Welcome, foodies and baking enthusiasts! You’ve arrived at the site of a labor of love, growing over several years from the discovery of a baker’s journal from the 1930’s, filled with over 600 pastry recipes and notes.
Heirloom Pastry Methods
The baker was my father Louie (Luigi) Perotti, who immigrated as a child from Turbigo, Italy, in 1915. The journey took him and his mother through Ellis Island, and eventually to Alameda, California, where he finished high school, then apprenticed with a Swiss-German master pastry chef in Oakland. Louie’s apprentice journal, tucked away in a box for years, details each large-batch recipe he mastered, and documents his development in the practice of heirloom European pastry production.

Scaled for Home Enjoyment
So, what began for me as personal curiosity, has evolved into a passion to recreate these recipes at a manageable individual scale. I’ve downsized and refined numerous delicious European, British and American recipes, adding commentary and interesting details to broaden your appreciation of the process of fine baking.
With Historical Context and Tips
I’m excited to share these gems with you, and to explore, discuss and revel in the mysteries and delights of these exquisite recipes. Many have origins dating back several hundred years! You’ll find recipes, research, historical details, resources, and information on best practices, ingredients, and equipment to heighten your baking acumen and savoring pleasure.
Let’s have some delicious fun together!
– Marjorie Perotti-Brewster
Learn more about Chef Marjorie >